What it Does: From investment banking and consulting services to retail and institutional securities and multi-asset brokerage, equity financing, research, derivatives, and prime brokerage, Maybank offers a broad variety of products and services.
Mission: Help close the gap by enabling everyone to quickly access simple financial services and solutions.
Size and Presence: At Bursa Malaysia, the Malaysian stock exchange, Maybank is the largest publicly traded corporation, with a market capitalization of US$23.7 billion as of December 31, 2019.
Best Known For: By the 2020 Brand Finance study, Maybank is the most valued bank brand in Malaysia, the fourth most valuable brand in the ASEAN region, and the 70th most highly significant bank brand globally.
The Good Bits: A positive working atmosphere where employees can gain new skills.
The Not So Good Bits: The organization opposes working from home due to the banking industry.
With net capital surpassing US$203 billion and a net profit of US$1.98 billion for 2019, Maybank is one of the major banks in Southeast Asia and the largest bank in Malaysia by market capitalization and total assets. Khoo Teck Puat, a business mogul from Malaysia who passed away in 2004, founded Maybank. Amersham Abdul Aziz served as President and CEO of the corporation from 2002 to March 2008, when he was named Minister in responsibility of the Economic Planning Unit in the Prime Minister's Department. He retained this position until April 2009. From May 2008 to June 2013, Dato' Sri Abdul Wahid Omar served as the President and CEO of the Maybank Group. Deputy President of Maybank and Head of Global Banking Datuk Abdul Farid Alias was named President & CEO of Maybank Group on August 2, 2013.
According to Maybank, diversity, and inclusion go beyond matters of gender, race, age, and nationality. It is a comprehensive program that also addresses issues with well-being, mindset, and education. The bank actively promotes a workplace that advocates equality, and diversity, and treats its personnel with compassion and without discrimination, in addition to engaging and utilizing a huge spectrum of skills and expertise from an equally large spectrum of people. The organization will improve from its current state into an even superior one by incorporating these into its fundamentals.
The prospects available to you as a recent graduate are endless. Maybank provides a work environment that goes beyond a career. In any of the 20 nations where the firm has a presence, it is a place where one can daily advance both professionally and personally. The several graduate programmes highlighted below are living examples of Maybank's talent framework and philosophy, which combines on-the-job learning and formal education with project involvement and overseas assignments. This philosophy gives its talents the chance to develop critical technical skills, as well as the chance to improve their leadership qualities and business acumen, thereby preparing them for the perfect job fit within the organization.
Maybank recruitment process includes the following process:
The average annual salary of a fresh graduate at Maybank Malaysia is MYR 48,000.
The goal of Maybank's school adoption initiative is to increase educational access, particularly in rural areas. The bank also worked on educational initiatives with a few chosen partners to give kids crucial life skills like financial literacy.
According to the report, the twin controversies surrounding Maybank's RM 8.25 billion purchase of PT BII and RM 2.32 billion purchase of 12 Eurocopter have prevented funding for social programs and infrastructure projects like drainage to avert flash floods.